Today was the Parent Teacher Conference which means your grades are ready! I know you've all been waiting a month for these report cards, so make sure that if your parents didn't come today that you send someone to pick up your marks soon.
- If you missed Friday's Standardized Test, please bring a note of application for a re-sit. Be prepared to take it the first day you are back at school. Once I have the note and the permission from the office then I'll grade. Until then you will have a ZERO.
- Read to page 259 by next Friday
- 8A- Why do I only have proposals from 3 students? This was due a long time ago! I don't care if you get it to me by carrier pigeon but it must get to me soon if you want to get any credit for it.
- 8S - Your reading quiz grades on average are very low. Let's see an improvement for this week.
Stay tuned for this quarter's extra credit option.