Monday, March 31, 2008

Life in Prison

I must say that today's 'research' was a poor showing. We had a lot of "my uncle told me" and "I heard from someone" information. When we do research we want it to be two things:

A) Quantitative (showing numbers, ratios, etc)
or Qualitative (showing the quality of something)

B) from a credible source

If your uncle is a police officer, then the best thing to do is to write down his exact statements in an interview. You should ask questions that will give quantitative or qualitative answers.

We'll be doing some more work on this in class as you need to be prepared to do research next year in high school.

Here's some links you can check out for info on life in prison:

Pakistan: Ministry of Interior

Execution looms for Briton after 17 years

Death without a sentence: 108 prisoners die in Punjab jails

Human Rights Watch: Prison Bound (Special Report on Pakistan)

Human Rights Watch: Background to Pakistan Criminal System

Try googling the following phrases and see if you get any informative sites:

lahore prison

pakistan jail

pakistan justice

lahore juvenile

pakistan prison

pakistan court system

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