Monday, March 3, 2008

Peer Editing - Compare & Contrast

We'll be using these questions for our peer editing sessions. While writing your rough draft you should look to see how you're doing in all the areas mentioned.

1. Does the topic sentence show the main point? How could it be improved?

2. Does the topic sentence catch the reader’s attention?

3. Is there a clear compare & contrast pattern in the paper? Is it AABB or ABAB?

4. Does the paper show the author’s personality?

5. Are specific examples used to support points made in the essay? If yes, cite one example. If no, cite one place where the author could use a concrete detail to make his/her point stronger.

6. Are wording and ideas fresh and interesting? How could it be improved?

7. Name three things you liked about the paper.

8. Give three comments or suggestions that you think would help improve the paper.

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